Let Prentice Be Your Net.

As clinical psychologists, we spent many years in graduate school and clinical training honing our craft. While our training prepared us to help others in our clinical work,  it neglected to teach the business of psychotherapy practice. We remember feeling excited at the prospect of private practice, but felt overwhelmed to make the leap.  We had so many questions- how to secure office space, market oneself, generate referrals, set fees and policies, avoid isolation. The list went on and on....

In the fifteen years since launching our own private practices, we have had the opportunity to not only grow clinically, but also to develop into confident business owners. During this time, we have offered professional development seminars to local training programs and have seen how eager new professionals are to grow their business acumen.  Armed with our years of experience and our own internalized mentors and supervisors, we present to you, Prentice! Prentice offers concrete support and resources to help you build a meaningful and financially viable private practice. It’s what we wish we had when we were beginning!

Prentice is currently accepting applicants for our  2021-2022 year-long 'prentice'ship opportunity.

We welcome those interested to check out our boot camp which we offer periodically throughout the year. Please email info@prenticedc.com if you'd like to be notified of the date for our day-long boot camp.